Artist: Nosferatu 1922
Genre: HNW
Label: N/A
Year: 2018
I don't know if Blogger will show the full release name in the title, so in case it doesn't, this is a short HNW single titled, Formal Implications of Count Nosferatu Evil Doctor Count Count Nosferatutututututututu w4o3twer0ifgesrjpiooikskidjfgposidfjg[osd kfmsrkseprok 5 3 45kdsodfg sgtk dkfkfgms r mfkfkfdkfdkfkfd ffddfkfdkfdkgmksdgkgmtlkvcm fksdoksxdfkvkmfvkds fdkgxdkfsfthdfhdfghdgfjhdfghdfghdfhd sfgh. As you can tell from the minions, its sort of the more blatantly shitpost-y side of the alias. Its a 20 second HNW track (which is funny enough as is), but the quality of the track is actually quite good, a nice and loud dense wall. If you like HNW this is actually worth checking out (now get caught by one of those "what are you listening to" things and say the full title).
Listen to it here:
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