Saturday, September 7, 2019

MacBook Pro

So, for those who don't know, I'm a college student. I've been in school for a few months now but didn't receive the bulk of my school supplies until very very recently. Awhile back I received an iPad; I thought it was weird at first but quickly got used to it and ended up liking it a lot. But now, they have given me a MacBook Pro. I'm a PC person all the way, until college I didn't own an Apple product, ever. Never had an iPod, iPhone, or iWhatever. Of course I used Macs in school, those old school ones that look like weird bubble TVs.

You know the ones..

Man those things looked weird, looked more like a toy computer than a real machine. Were Mac computers even as popular back then? Who knows, who cares, on with what I was saying

So, I used Macs before in school and was more or less fine, but those limited skills have long since dissipated. The Mac is so weird to use, literally everything is different than a PC. I keep forgetting on Macs that you have to click "command" to do things, and the keyboard is all different so I keep clicking random stuff when trying to do key commands (I do key commands a lot on PC). I have been getting used to this change, but its still weird.

Also, it took me half an hour to change the desktop. This thing is definitely a project to figure out, but I am honestly excited to get into it. I heavily prefer PCs, but I'm open also having other things. So far this MacBook definitely has some nice things. I really like the screen; its less harsh and it just looks really smooth and good. Too bad I accidentally touched it because I was too used to my touchscreen laptop (I rarely use the touchscreen, but rarely I may click something that way). I also like how the screen and keyboard adjust lighting, and how there's a weird electronic touch pad thing built in above the keyboard. The touch button to auto-sign in is cool too.

I also like how smooth the thing is, the touchpad actually feels fine on my fingers. More textured touchpads can feel awful. I also like how the whole thing is like made from metal or like plastic that resembles metal (idk what it is, looks like weird metal, but I think is probably plastic).

Besides from having no idea how to work anything, my largest issue is the keyboard. Writing this long post on the Mac is definitely helping to improve my skills, but I click wrong keys A TON. Especially when I'm trying to backspace I end up typing something like "==][[';", this is def annoying. I'm also concerned if this thing will overheat. It only has two tiny super thin exhaust things, and its easy for these to become obstructed.

Now that I have a Mac, I'm really curious what there is for it. I know that majority of computer games were/are released on PC only, or are hybrids that can run on both systems. But, I know there are weird little niches. For example, during the era many "home system" VNs in Japan were released on PS2, almost all of them were PS2. But, despite that, Xbox in Japan had some of its own VN ports and even exclusives! This is super bizarre (and cool af) as Xbox has never been popular in Japan, so its cool it has some underground games. So that has me wondering, does Mac also have this phenomenon? Does Mac have its own exclusive VNs? I have yet to look into this, but I most definitely will as I'm quite curious about it.

And, of course here are some screencaps of me playing around with the Mac~~


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